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Details: February 20-23, 2025
Cost: $350
Organizer: DeAndrea Dare (682) 214-4608 deandrea@amemorygrows.org

This event is now sold out. Please contact DeAndrea to be placed on a wait list if space becomes available.

After a child dies it seems that time has stopped and yet the world keeps on moving. Our hearts break and our minds race and yet no one can see or feel that which is happening inside of us. We all grieve differently and sometimes the ways that we grieve are misunderstood by others and even by ourselves. This is why it is so important to find others who are walking a similar path who can truly relate to what we are thinking and feeling.  This retreat will bring together parents whose children have all died as a result of Fentanyl poisoning.  

In the time shared during the retreats our children are celebrated and the relationship that we continue to share with them is nourished. Time is also intentionally set aside for rest, relaxation and reflection.

Parents are free to choose as many activities to participate in or as few. We understand that sometimes the time away is simply what is needed. A Licensed Professional Counselor will be leading a group session on grief that is highly encouraged for all parents to participate in.

Please use the form below to register and pay the$350 non-refundable cost, which includes all lodging with beautiful accommodations in Fort Worth, TX, programming costs (includes all materials for remembrance activities, rituals, and Licensed Professional Counselor) as well as all meals.

*Although we do our best to accommodate dietary restrictions we may not be able to meet all needs.  Please let us know at the time of registration if special needs are requested.*

**Due to the limited number of rooms at our retreats, the registration fee must be paid within 48 hours of registration to hold your spot.  Limited scholarship assistance is available upon request of an application.  If you need more time to pay the registration fee, please contact us at the time of registration.**



Checks can be mailed to
A Memory Grows
P.O. Box 34282
Fort Worth, TX 76162



Arrive after 4:30
Introductions, Tour and Dinner at 5:30
After Dinner Activity

Mom/Dad Separate Activity
Afternoon Group Outing/Activity
Painting With Your Heart

Legacy Activity
Group Counseling Session focused on Grief and Relationships
Free Evening to chat, play games, do activities, swim, sit by the fire pit, etc.

Closing Group Ritual
Checkout at 11:00



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